How to Improve Workplace Learning?

In 2022, phrases like ''upskilling'', ''hybrid working'' and many more are part of everyday vocabulary. If there is one positive thing from the pandemic that catapulted the dire disruption within the working world, it must be the rise of remote and hybrid working systems. In the same vein, we must acknowledge the breakthrough of modern workplace learning, which is getting all the limelight at the moment.

Girl using laptop

In this day and age, workplace learning is all about utilising technology to grant workers easy access to knowledge, knowledge sharing, and training to chart their continuous improvement. Lifelong-learning mindset is a constant effort, and it takes on many factors to instil into this modern-day employees'' lifestyle. As a leader, how could one improve the workplace for efficient learning practices?  

Shifting focus

Learning and development leaders should input the company's overall business strategy to ensure development is incorporated into all the decisions a company makes. Instead of an option, talent development and skilling programs should be the main pillars of the company's renewed vision, especially in this post-pandemic era. With complete digital transformations underway, corporations could have extensions within their human resources team or department to arrange courses for staff via sophisticated infrastructure like learning management systems (LMS) and content management systems (CMS). These practices would give them recognised qualifications and enhance their performance in work. Tools like LMS offers a comprehensive tracking system to monitor each worker and their path within the workforce. These systems open up avenues like

The right infrastructure.

The efficient hybrid working model is trending now, and it is within good reason. With functional space designated for employees'' L&D programs, you are on the right track to setting a conducive environment for workplace learning. Setting up a lending library of business and industry books in the breakroom or establishing a learning management system continually offering new modules. Companies could also partner up online learning platforms like GoTraining to establish said LMS infrastructure to enhance the development experiences to the next level. 

Whether microlearning, blended learning, or even apprenticeships, it all depends on how hiring managers can chart each employee based on their existing skillset with their potential growth. Leaders could also host programs and seminars with guest speakers to talk about their expertise to gauge interest. These things will help staff learn, work as a team, put forward their ideas and leap to try something new. The result was enhanced performance in the workplace as staff were happier, more confident with their abilities, and wanted to learn more.

Empower with acknowledgements.

Some employees learn best from feedback. Encourage managers to regularly check in with each team member to highlight what they're' doing right and provide guidance for areas of improvement. For instance, if an employee is struggling to finish his required training courses, a very hands-on manager would find out about this and tweak that specific employee's learning experience to form it more suitable. Also, leaders should empower the workforce by celebrating employees'' achievements in respective L&D areas. Some companies even tie salary increases to the development of new skills. It'll help employees know where they stand and make them more engaged.

Technology makes pursuing an education essential. Computers have increased efficiency & accuracy & automation continues to replace unskilled workers. It's advisable to get the education required to become a part of the high-tech, digital world or be redundant.

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