Creative Ai Takeover: What does this mean?

2023 is in full swing, with conversations and buzz around Ai taking over the creative world. We are no strangers nor remotely surprised at the incidence of it; however, it is always fascinating to see the Ai products shared around your social platforms and wonder, “ so, we don’t need artists and writers anymore?”. On the contrary, this could mean that creators can work with Ai rather than go against the grain in ways one never anticipated before.

Girl using laptop

ChatGPT is the latest fad released in tech, and it is all the rage. According to this article, ChatGPT is a variant of OpenAI’s popular GPT-3.5 language-generation software designed to carry conversations with people, formulated by its text data banks. Many creators, especially writers, developers, graphic designers, artists and many others, are crippled by the thought of redundancy and what it would mean for the future of creatives when Ai is involved. Popular business strategist Brian O’Connor tweeted a thread on utilising ChatGPT as creators to be ahead of the game whilst embarking on a whole new path to disrupting the traditional content creation process. For example, he suggested copywriters use ChatGPT to create a structure for their content idea but enhance it by injecting emotive storytelling, deeper research from printed publications, and insights from subject-matter experts. Forrester's report highlights the significance of Ai for content creation as human-produced content creation will never be fast or sufficient enough to address the need for personalised content. With Ai’s scalable quality, reports predict exponential investment in Ai tools, particularly in the digital content area.

We are big on skills development on our platform and have touched on several issues involving human capital development exercises. With the ongoing Ai-automation that is taking on 2023, it is yet another tell-tale sign for companies to reassess their training and development practices and invest in the latest solutions to ensure their workforces are entirely future-proof. There is a dire need to come up with quick and practical solutions to counter the current labour shortage and inflationary and recessionary pressures. Also, our findings show that the education system needs help to meet the demands created by advanced technology today. This failure is partly responsible for the economic divide plaguing many developing countries today. The challenge of educating the public about the job market, which is both decreasing in scope and increasing in complexity, is something we've never faced. This is where Ai is the cape-less superhero.

What qualities do humans have that AI cannot capture? Creativity, emotional responses? One must remember that creativity happens when creative minds break “rules” to create something innovative that is still appealing. Absolute art that reads,sounds and looks impressive comes from a place triggered by response chanelled by random inspiration and strong emotions On the contrary, Ai as it is currently being programmed, is not capable of making these shifts but it won’t be long. So what can we do to rise to the occasion?

Ai is scalable, flexible and tweakable with constant paradigmatic shifts. Many economic sectors already adopt Ai and its automation because they recognise the growth that comes with these technological adoptions. With Ai, performance-focused companies will see better results and higher profitability if they move fast and remain strategic about AI adoption. beckons companies towards these adoptions with simple implementations of tools and solutions. Not all jobs are going to be taken over by machinery, however, it is practical to focus on selected roles to train people to fill higher-level jobs created by AI. Simplifyed has a cloud library with Ai courses for all levels, and if there is a niche interest, we collaborate with you for customisable solutions too.

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